A Novel High-Throughput Screening Platform Reveals an Optimized Cytokine Formulation for Human Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Expansion.
Tarunina M, Hernandez D, Kronsteiner-Dobramysl B, Pratt P, Watson T, Hua P, Gullo F, van der Garde M, Zhang Y, Hook L, Choo Y, Watt SM Stem Cells Development (2016) 15;25(22):1709-1720
Directed Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Using a Bead-Based Combinatorial Screening Method
Marina Tarunina, Diana Hernandez, Christopher J. Johnson, Stanislav Rybtsov, Vidya Ramathas, Mylvaganam Jeyakumar, Thomas Watson, Lilian Hook, Alexander Medvinsky, Chris Mason, Yen Choo PLOS ONE (2014) http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0104301
Brave new world
Dr Diana Hernandez. Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology (IPT), September 2014
New Technological Advances in Stem Cell Research
GEN Drug Discovery (2013)
Applying mesenchymal stem cell technology to drug discovery and cell therapy
Dr Lilian Hook. SP2 InterActive Jan/Feb 2013 issue
Stem cell differentiation: How to find a path through the labyrinth
Dr Diana Hernandez. Chemistry Today (2011) vol.30 p.81-84
Stem Cells and Drug Discovery
Dr Lilian Hook International Pharmaceutical Industry, Autumn (2012) vol. 4 (4)
Stem cell technology for drug discovery and development
Dr Lilian Hook. Drug Discovery Today (2011)
High Throughput Stem Cell Technologies
Dr Lilian Hook Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology (2011) vol 39 p.70-72
Use of Combinatorial Screening to Discover Protocols That Effectively Direct the Differentiation of Stem Cells
Choo Y. Stem Cell Research and Therapeutics (2008) Springer (Y. Shi, D.O. Clegg eds)
Directed Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Using a Bead-Based Combinatorial Screening Method
Marina Tarunina, Diana Hernandez, Christopher J. Johnson, Stanislav Rybtsov, Vidya Ramathas, Mylvaganam Jeyakumar, Thomas Watson, Lilian Hook, Alexander Medvinsky, Chris Mason, Yen Choo
PLOS ONE (2014) http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0104301
Climate change has been partially mitigated by an increasing net land carbon sink in the terrestrial biosphere; understanding the processes that drive this sink is thus essential for protecting, managing and projecting this important ecosystem service. In this Review, we examine evidence for an enhanced land carbon sink and attribute the observed response to drivers and processes. This sink has doubled from 1.2 ± 0.5 PgC yr−1 in the 1960s to 3.1 ± 0.6 PgC yr−1 in the 2010s. This trend results largely from carbon dioxide fertilization increasing photosynthesis (driving an increase in the annual land carbon sink of >2 PgC globally since 1900), mainly in tropical forest regions, and elevated temperatures reducing cold limitation, mainly at higher latitudes. Continued long-term land carbon sequestration is possible through the end of this century under multiple emissions scenarios, especially if nature-based climate solutions and appropriate ecosystem management are used. A new generation of globally distributed field experiments is needed to improve understanding of future carbon sink potential by measuring belowground carbon release, the response to carbon dioxide enrichment, and long-term shifts in carbon allocation and turnover.
Dr Diana Hernandez
Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology (IPT), September 2014
Theory predicts that rising CO2 increases global photosynthesis, a process known as CO2 fertilization, and that this is responsible for much of the current terrestrial carbon sink. The estimated magnitude of the historic CO2 fertilization, however, differs by an order of magnitude between long-term proxies, remote sensing-based estimates and terrestrial biosphere models. Here we constrain the likely historic effect of CO2 on global photosynthesis by combining terrestrial biosphere models, ecological optimality theory, remote sensing approaches and an emergent constraint based on global carbon budget estimates. Our analysis suggests that CO2 fertilization increased global annual terrestrial photosynthesis by 13.5 ± 3.5% or 15.9 ± 2.9 PgC (mean ± s.d.) between 1981 and 2020. Our results help resolve conflicting estimates of the historic sensitivity of global terrestrial photosynthesis to CO2 and highlight the large impact anthropogenic emissions have had on ecosystems worldwide.
New Technological Advances in Stem Cell Research
GEN Drug Discovery (2013)
Plants may slow global warming through enhanced growth, because increased levels of photosynthesis stimulate the land carbon (C) sink. However, how climate warming affects plant C storage globally and key drivers determining the response of plant C storage to climate warming remains unclear, causing uncertainty in climate projections. We performed a comprehensive meta-analysis, compiling 393 observations from 99 warming studies to examine the global patterns of plant C storage responses to climate warming and explore the key drivers. Warming significantly increased total biomass (+8.4 %), aboveground biomass (+12.6 %) and belowground biomass (+10.1 %). The effect of experimental warming on plant biomass was best explained by the availability of soil nitrogen (N) and water. Across the entire dataset, warming-induced changes in total, aboveground and belowground biomass all positively correlated with soil C:N ratio, an indicator of soil N availability. In addition, warming stimulated plant biomass more strongly in humid than in dry ecosystems, and warming tended to decrease root:shoot ratios at high soil C:N ratios. Together, these results suggest dual controls of warming effects on plant C storage; warming increases plant growth in ecosystems where N is limiting plant growth, but it reduces plant growth where water availability is limiting plant growth.
Global Maps and Drivers of Annual Plant Nitrogen Absorption
Terrer, César, and Helena Vallicrosa. "Global Maps and Drivers of Annual Plant Nitrogen Absorption." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 2022. 2022.
In this study we leveraged field experimental data accumulated in recent decades with artificial intelligence techniques to quantify the amount of nitrogen (N) plants in natural environments are actually taking yearly from the soil at a global scale. We are providing a global map and disentangling its drivers in a climate change context. We considered the N needed to grow new foliar, woody and root tissue as well as the reabsorbed N before leaves senescence.
Since plants compete with soil microbes for nutrients, the total amount of N in soils does not directly relate to the amount that is readily available for plants. A global quantification of how much N can be taken up by plants is thus missing, limiting estimates of the flexibility of plants for further growth. Current evidence indicates that plants actively acquire N through the association with microbial symbionts, allowing plants to obtain N from the atmosphere (via N-fixation) and from organic sources of N (via mycorrhizal fungi) going through the soil. The amount of N that can be absorbed by plants globally through N-fixation and mycorrhizal fungi has not been accurately quantified globally, and most models do not equip plants with these mechanisms to actively acquire N in exchange for C with their microbial partners. Thus, there is an entire dimension of N soil associations that has been neglected, which can change the entire scale of the N cycle in plants. Such information at a global scale would most likely improve the accuracy of C-cycle models, soil-plant models and climate projections, as well as to better understand the drivers of plant N uptake.
Slow and unsteady? Soil carbon accumulation rates in Mediterranean and semi-arid post-agricultural landscapes
Bell, Stephen, et al. "Slow and unsteady? Soil carbon accumulation rates in Mediterranean and semi-arid post-agricultural landscapes." Authorea Preprints (2022).
Increases in soil organic carbon (SOC) during secondary succession in Mediterranean and semi-arid climates, global hot-spots for agricultural land abandonment, have been notoriously difficult to predict and are subject to multiple environmental and land management factors. Field studies have reported positive, negative and no change varying over extended periods of time. To better evaluate the potential carbon sink capacity of regenerating semi-natural landscapes in these climates requires an improved understanding of the rates of SOC gains and losses. We compiled a global database of Mediterranean and semi-arid chronosequences and paired plots to investigate the effects of past land use, restoration intensity, and various environmental factors on SOC stocks during post-agricultural succession. Based on a preliminary synthesis of the western Mediterranean basin, we expect significant long-term accumulation rates globally although with high variability and the potential for net losses (compared to cropland control sites) even after several decades. Losses or minimal change are likely due to high initial SOC stock at the time of abandonment (e.g. from anthropogenic organic matter inputs) and too high or too low mean annual precipitation (e.g. < 450 or > 1000 mm), among other factors. A consolidated SOC accumulation rate for both Mediterranean and semi-arid soils undergoing post-agricultural succession is provided to better inform decision-makers on the benefits and challenges of agricultural land abandonment.
Abandoned but not forgotten: uncovering the soil organic carbon dynamics and sequestration potential of abandoned agricultural lands
Bell, Stephen, et al. "Abandoned but not forgotten: uncovering the soil organic carbon dynamics and sequestration potential of abandoned agricultural lands." Authorea Preprints (2022).
Regional cycles of agricultural land expansion and abandonment have been common throughout history in many countries of the world. Following the cessation of agricultural practice, landscapes undergo the spontaneous process of ecological succession resulting in significant above and belowground changes over time. As agricultural lands are often severely depleted of soil carbon, they represent one of the land types with the highest potential to act as carbon sinks through the process of soil carbon sequestration. While best management practices for increasing soil carbon stocks through sustainable agriculture are understandably a key focus point in climate change research today, the lasting effect of the abandonment of agriculture on soil organic carbon has received relatively less attention. However, significant amounts of farmland have been abandoned across the globe in both developed and developing countries, especially over the last several decades. To better understand the ability of old agricultural lands to act as carbon sinks through time, this study compiles field and published data to perform a comprehensive meta-analysis on the impacts of this land use change on soil organic carbon dynamics.
Using a chronosequence approach, three study sites in Catalonia, Spain, each with four fields representing different stages of ecological succession post-abandonment spanning roughly 60 years, were sampled at soil depths of 10, 20, and 30 cm. To determine soil carbon stocks at each site, bulk density samples were also collected. Samples were analyzed for organic carbon, nitrogen and pH. Additionally, published chrononsequence and paired-plot data from abandoned agricultural lands throughout the Mediterranean region were also compiled into a database to perform multiple regression analysis. Our findings are not only meant to test the hypothesis that abandoned fields can act as carbon sinks over time, but to also determine the rate of soil carbon stock increase and projected vulnerability in relation to a variety of environmental and land management variables, thereby highlighting the climate change mitigation value of an as of yet understudied global land use change.
Applying mesenchymal stem cell technology to drug discovery and cell therapy
Dr Lilian Hook
SP2 InterActive Jan/Feb 2013 issue
The CO2 fertilization effect in tropical forests is a key factor for the global land carbon sink. We show that the normalized CO2 effect on tropical vegetation carbon was c. 70% lower in seedling CO2 experiments without nutrient fertilizers and c. 50% and 70% lower in models that consider nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, based on two model ensembles. The inadequate representation or lack of nutrient cycles in Earth System models likely leads to overestimating future tropical carbon gains.
A constraint on historic growth in global photosynthesis due to increasing CO2
Keenan, T. F. C., et al. "A constraint on historic growth in global photosynthesis due to increasing CO2 (Retraction of Vol 600, Pg 253, 2021)." (2022): 420-420.
Theory predicts that rising CO2 increases global photosynthesis, a process known as CO2 fertilization, and that this is responsible for much of the current terrestrial carbon sink. The estimated magnitude of the historic CO2 fertilization, however, differs by an order of magnitude between long-term proxies, remote sensing-based estimates and terrestrial biosphere models. Here we constrain the likely historic effect of CO2 on global photosynthesis by combining terrestrial biosphere models, ecological optimality theory, remote sensing approaches and an emergent constraint based on global carbon budget estimates. Our analysis suggests that CO2 fertilization increased global annual terrestrial photosynthesis by 13.5 ± 3.5% or 15.9 ± 2.9 PgC (mean ± s.d.) between 1981 and 2020. Our results help resolve conflicting estimates of the historic sensitivity of global terrestrial photosynthesis to CO2 and highlight the large impact anthropogenic emissions have had on ecosystems worldwide.
Dr Lilian HookInternational Pharmaceutical Industry, Autumn (2012) vol. 4 (4)
Secondary succession on abandoned agricultural lands can produce climate change mitigation co-benefits, such as soil carbon sequestration. However, the accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC) in Mediterranean regions has been difficult to predict and is subject to multiple environmental and land management factors. Gains, losses, and no significant changes have all been reported. Here we compile chronosequence data (n = 113) from published studies and new field sites to assess the response of SOC to agricultural land abandonment in peninsular Spain. We found an overall SOC accumulation rate of +2.3% yr−1 post-abandonment. SOC dynamics are highly variable and context-dependent. Minimal change occurs on abandoned cereal croplands compared to abandoned woody croplands (+4% yr−1). Accumulation is most prevalent within a Goldilocks climatic window of ~13–17 °C and ~450–900 mm precipitation, promoting >100% gains after three decades. Our secondary forest field sites accrued 40.8 Mg C ha−1 (+172%) following abandonment and displayed greater SOC and N depth heterogeneity than natural forests demonstrating the long-lasting impact of agriculture. Although changes in regional climate and crop types abandoned will impact future carbon sequestration, abandonment remains a low-cost, long-term natural climate solution best incorporated in tandem with other multipurpose sustainable land management strategies.
The Historic Effect of CO2 on Global Photosynthesis
Keenan, Trevor F., et al. "The Historic Effect of CO2 on Global Photosynthesis." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 2020. 2020.
Global photosynthesis results in the single largest flux of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the biosphere. Long-term changes in photosynthesis could therefore provide a strong feedback to climate change through changing the growth rate of atmospheric CO2. Global photosynthesis cannot be observed, however, and must therefore be inferred through emergent dynamics in multiple proxies. But the historic sensitivity of global photosynthesis derived from such proxies spans an order of magnitude, leading to large uncertainty in estimates of both the historic and expected future changes in photosynthesis. Here, we examine the various proxies of long-term photosynthetic change, and show that they can be reconciled by combining known plant physiology with emergent dynamics of the global carbon cycle. The results suggest that global photosynthesis has increased due to elevated CO2, but with a much lower sensitivity that that implied by some proxies, and a higher sensitivity than that inferred from remote-sensing based estimates.
Stem cell differentiation: How to find a path through the labyrinth
Dr Diana Hernandez
Chemistry Today (2011) vol.30 p.81-84
Background and aims: Through agriculture and industry, humans are increasing the deposition and availability of nitrogen (N) in ecosystems worldwide. Carbon (C) isotope tracers provide useful insights into soil C dynamics, as they allow to study soil C pools of different ages. We evaluated to what extent N enrichment affects soil C dynamics in experiments that applied C isotope tracers.
Methods: Using meta-analysis, we synthesized data from 35 published papers. We made a distinction between “new C” and “old C” stocks, i.e., soil C derived from plant C input since the start of the isotopic enrichment, or unlabeled, pre-existing soil C.
Results: Averaged across studies, N addition increased new soil C stocks (+30.3%), total soil C stocks (+6.1%) and soil C input proxies (+30.7%). Although N addition had no overall, average, effect on old soil C stocks and old soil C respiration, old soil C stocks increased with the amount of N added and respiration of old soil C declined. Nitrogen-induced effects on new soil C and soil C input both decreased with the amount of extraneous N added in control treatments.
Conclusion: Although our findings require additional confirmation from long-term field experiments, our analysis provides isotopic evidence that N addition stimulates soil C storage both by increasing soil C input and (at high N rates) by decreasing decomposition of old soil C. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the widely reported saturating response of plant growth to N enrichment also applies to new soil C storage.
Stem cell technology for drug discovery and development
Dr Lilian Hook
Drug Discovery Today (2011)
Increased human-derived nitrogen (N) deposition to terrestrial ecosystems has resulted in widespread phosphorus (P) limitation of net primary productivity. However, it remains unclear if and how N-induced P limitation varies over time. Soil extracellular phosphatases catalyze the hydrolysis of P from soil organic matter, an important adaptive mechanism for ecosystems to cope with N-induced P limitation. Here we show, using a meta-analysis of 140 studies and 668 observations worldwide, that N stimulation of soil phosphatase activity diminishes over time. Whereas short-term N loading (≤5 years) significantly increased soil phosphatase activity by 28%, long-term N loading had no significant effect. Nitrogen loading did not affect soil available P and total P content in either short- or long-term studies. Together, these results suggest that N-induced P limitation in ecosystems is alleviated in the long-term through the initial stimulation of soil phosphatase activity, thereby securing P supply to support plant growth. Our results suggest that increases in terrestrial carbon uptake due to ongoing anthropogenic N loading may be greater than previously thought.
High Throughput Stem Cell Technologies
Dr Lilian Hook
Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology (2011) vol 39 p.70-72
Nutrient availability influences virtually every aspect of an ecosystem, and is a critical modifier of ecosystem responses to global change. Although this crucial role of nutrient availability in regulating ecosystem structure and functioning has been widely acknowledged, nutrients are still often neglected in observational and experimental synthesis studies due to difficulties in comparing the nutrient status across sites. In the current study, we explain different nutrient-related concepts and discuss the potential of soil-, plant- and remote sensing-based metrics to compare the nutrient status across space. Based on our review and additional analyses on a dataset of European, managed temperate and boreal forests (ICP [International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests] Forests dataset), we conclude that the use of plant- and remote sensing-based metrics that rely on tissue stoichiometry is limited due to their strong dependence on species identity. The potential use of other plant-based metrics such as Ellenberg indicator values and plant-functional traits is also discussed. We conclude from our analyses and review that soil-based metrics have the highest potential for successful intersite comparison of the nutrient status. As an example, we used and adjusted a soil-based metric, previously developed for conifer forests across Sweden, against the same ICP Forests data. We suggest that this adjusted and further adaptable metric, which included the organic carbon concentration in the upper 20 cm of the soil (including the organic fermentation-humus [FH] layer), the C:N ratio and pHCaCl2 of the FH layer, can be used as a complementary tool along with other indicators of nutrient availability, to compare the background nutrient status across temperate and boreal forests dominated by spruce, pine or beech. Future collection and provision of harmonized soil data from observational and experimental sites is crucial for further testing and adjusting the metric.
Does flexible carbon allocation relieve nitrogen limitation?
Stocker, Benjamin, et al. "Does flexible carbon allocation relieve nitrogen limitation?-Theory and observations for a resource economics paradigm to model carbon-nitrogen cycle interactions in terrestrial ecosystems." Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 21. 2019.
Nitrogen (N) limitation of plant growth and carbon (C) sequestration appears to be widespread in terrestrial ecosystems, yet a substantial global sink of photosynthesis-derived C has persisted in recent decades where CO2 has continuously increased. This appears paradoxical in view of Liebig's conceptual model of the Law of the Minimum, which posits that plant growth is ultimately limited by the most limiting resource. It also poses a challenge for process-based Dynamic Vegetation Models (DVMs) that simulate a strong N limitation of the land C sink. The interpretation of phenomena observed in field studies and the formulation of DVMs commonly conceptualise N limitation as a mismatch between supply (from the soil) and demand (by the plant) of reactive N. However, C allocation is highly flexible and plants thereby control mechanisms by which a shortage of N supply may be relieved. Mechanisms include symbiotic N fixation, plant-soil interactions stimulating N availability to plants, and the aversion of N losses from the ecosystem through effective scavenging of available N. Here, we propose a resource economics paradigm to account for the energetic (C) cost of these adaptations and contend that eco-evolutionary optimality of plant functioning leads supply and demand to ultimately balance. A parsimonious model of optimal root and shoot allocation to balance C and N acquisition predicts that a leaf-level enhancement of photosynthesis under elevated CO2 leads to a shift towards relatively more belowground C allocation. This shift may set in motion a cascade of feedbacks that ultimately accelerates the rate of N cycling, increases net primary productivity and reduces the openness of the N cycle, albeit at an increasing C cost of N acquisition. We investigate observations from CO2 manipulation experiments to test the predicted shift towards relatively more belowground C allocation and the existence of a feedback cascade that counters progressive N limitation and tends to relieve N limitation at longer time scales.This provides key mechanistic insights to reveal whether tight N constraints on CO2 fertilisation and the land C sink may be overestimated when flexible allocation and its effects on C-N cycling are ignored in models. We argue that process-based DVMs should be re-formulated to account for C-N tradeoffs and plant adjustments to balance N supply and demand.